Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher

“You are loved so much more than you can imagine”

What Do Angels Want You to Know?

11935080_950836338308428_7225967132783294877_nI have been working with Angels for about 17 years.  The message I was given upon my first encounter when I lived in Southern California many years ago has never changed and is the same till this day.  That message is that you are loved so much more than you could ever comprehend or imagine and living inside of you is a greatness that wants to live and express itself through you.  The first time I heard this message I was taken back at the idea that something so pure and gentle could love me.  17yrs ago I did not believe I had much potential to do anything great in my life.  I felt unloved, not liked and completely abandoned with no connection to the world around me until the Angels came to me and saved me from the pit of depression I was living in.

What do Angels want you to know?

The more I thought about what the Angels said to me and their message the more humbled I became to the point where I wanted to weep.  I thought to myself “Someone else loves me just as I am with all of my scars, past history and secrets” and that Love was starting to show up in my life as Divine Guidance and Healing.  The Angels started to show me that I was so much more than my body, that there was a Spirit inside of me that had limitless potential and that Spirit inside of me wanted badly to express itself through me.  They explained to me the emotional pain I was experiences was the disconnection with myself and my Spirit. The most common limiting belief most people carry no matter who they are is “I am not good enough” and this could be a condition created from many kinds of events that has happened in your life.

The Angels say that this belief keeps us separated from who we really are and also blocks their ability to guide and help us because when we are disconnected from our hearts we are disconnected from Spirit and the Angels.  The Angels say that the heart is the Gateway to the Divine and when your heart is clear and open to give and receive Love, you are also open to the same energy and intelligence that creates worlds, that lives within nature and inspires the birds to sing at first dawn.   This same intelligence lives inside of you as yourself and they call it LOVE. The Angels say we are all here to first learn to Love and Accept ourselves and then share that Love and Acceptance with others through our own creative expression.  Angels say our purpose is to Love and how that happens and how it shows up in our life is up to us through our free will.  We all have talents and gifts and when we align our talents and gifts with the intention to Love we align with our Divine Purpose.  They tell me this isn’t something anyone can tell you, or predict for you that it is something seeded deep inside your own Spirit that each person has to access for themselves and the path to this seed is through the heart.

You are so much more greater than you give yourself credit for, and are far more talented than you even know.

You may be going through a time in your life where you feel so disconnected from life with no sense of direction, happiness or joy.  You may feel as if life has beaten you up and taken it’s best shot and you are down for the count.  I am here to tell you that your best days are on the horizon and you are exactly where you need to be in this very moment.  You were led to this page and website for a reason and what has led you to this page will also lead you to your own destiny.  You are being asked to surrender what you think your life is supposed to look like, how it is supposed to be for the bigger vision the Divine and Angels have for your life.  You may not know now what you are supposed to do, or what your next steps are and that is simply because you are being asked to be still.   Stillness will help you bring you into a space of mindfulness, and mindfulness will help to bring you into a state of awareness and awareness will bring you the clarity you seek as it can only come from within you.

You have been beating yourself up for far too long, holding into way too many disappointments and the Angels are asking you to lay down your burdens and they will lift them up to the light to be transmuted into love and sent back down to you for nourishment of your heart, mind and body.  We have always been here they say, and now that you feel you are in a space of desperation you have no choice but to surrender unto yourself.  They say surrendering unto yourself is surrendering to the Divine and at that point you will have your Awakening and Divine Breakthrough.  It is all there waiting for you and all you have to do is let it in.  If you are reading this ask your Angels to come to you and help you to let go of all the burdens you have been carrying and release anything that has disallowed you to walk in your alignment and connection with your Spirit and the Angels.  Visually see pure liquid light washing down over you all through you filling you up until it surrounds you in a bubble of pure white light.

Ask the Angels to send the light to where you need it most and to soothe any scars, hurts or pains you may be experiencing and to help you let go of any resistance to the miracles you have been asking for.  The Angels want to help and assist you and all you have to do is surrender, trust and believe.  It is all just a thought and intention away and your miracles are waiting for you are you ready to receive them? You are loved so much more than you could ever imagine or comprehend and there is a Greatness that Lives inside of you that wants to express itself….you are being called to open up to this Greatness and allow it to sing it’s song, dance to it’s own tune and fly on the wings of it’s own melody.  You are being called back to You and your Angels are ready and willing to help you all you have to do is ask.

May these words Bless and Guide you to your Highest Path in Life. If this has blessed and inspired you please share it with others you know it would help.

Angel Blessings

savonn champelle clairvoyant psychic medium california

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Psychic Clairvoyant Medium